OME-BANJOS zeichnen sich aus durch eine hervorragende Verarbeitung, einen kräftigen Sound mit langen Sustain über das gesamte Griffbrett, Bundreinheit und ein geschmackvolles Design. Nicht umsonst spielen alle US-Banjo-Stars wie Buddy Wachter, Don Vappie, Cynthia Sayer, Eddy Davis u.v.m. diese phantastischen Instrumente! OME gewährt dem Erstbesitzer eine lebenslange Garantie nach den OME-Garantiebestimmungen. Die Lieferzeiten richten sich nach dem jeweiligen Modell, einige Instrumente sind evt. auch kurzfristig lieferbar. Alle Modelle als Tenor-, Plectrum- und Tenor/Plectrum-Banjos sowie als 5-String lieferbar.
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OME presents a line of Jazz-Back- and Bluegrass-Banjos. These instruments have evolved since 1960 and are the result of many years of dedicated effort towards creating exeptional banjos that meet the needs of the most demanding and sophisticated musicans. They embody supior tone, superb playability, unfailing quality and flawless beauty. At OME we combine time-proven features of vintage instruments with modern refinements in technology and design. We use the finest materials, custum-make our own metal and wood-components, and take whatever time is necessary to do the job right.
Most importantly, we maintain a team of talented and dedicated people who take great pride in building the very best. Over the years, the OME line has grown into a wide varety of Models and Styles. It is my hope that with the comprehensive selection we now offer, we can provide you with the banjo of your dreams, and that you will enjoy playing and owning these instruments as much as we have enjoyed designing and building them.
Charles Ogsbury
President & Founder